10 Goals I’m Trying to Achieve by 2021 (and my Plan for Each)

by | Sep 12, 2020 | Blog, Goal Setting and Follow Through

Last year, around this time, I wrote a post about 10 goals that I was trying to achieve by the end of the year (you can read it here). Then, on a recent podcast episode, I reflected on my year-end goals for 2020 as we head into the last third of the year. 

Maybe, like me, you like to have a bit of a deadline to work with when it comes to some of your goals. As 2021 looms near, here’s a peek at what I’ll be up to for the remainder of the year:

  1. Continuing to deepen my yoga practice. Yoga has been a real game-changer for me in 2020. It’s helped me to relax, stay connected to my body, and stretch out stiff muscles after long days of Zoom calls. I’ve also really enjoyed exploring aspects of yoga outside of the physical practice to learn more about what a yogic lifestyle looks like.

Here are some of the steps involved with implementing this goal:

2. Designing and launching my first yoga/coaching virtual retreat. I love a good planning session in December, so I decided to create a virtual retreat that combines planning, coaching, and yoga! I’m still figuring out a lot of the details, but you can sign up for the waiting list here if you want to be notified when I have more information to share.

Here are some of the steps involved with implementing this goal:

  • Outline the retreat schedule and finalize the retreat dates.
  • Design the virtual retreat page on my website with all the details.
  • Create the retreat materials (handouts, resource guides, etc.).
  • Draft the yoga flow sequences to be included in the retreat.
  • Facilitate the retreat in December!

3. Studying and sitting for my PMP exam. I decided that this is the year that I will pursue my Project Management Professional certification (more on this decision in this podcast episode). My four-hour exam is scheduled for late November, so I’ll be studying and taking practice exams to get ready for it over the next couple of months.

Here are some of the steps involved with implementing this goal:

  • Read five books on project management that I’ve collected over time.
  • Read the PMBOK guide from the Project Management Institute (the organization that sponsors the PMP exam).
  • Take at least four practice exams and aim for a 70–80% pass rate with questions.
  • Take the exam in late November!

4. Paying down our mortgage. After a couple of other financial goals got checked off our list this year, my partner and I decided to tackle a big one: paying down our mortgage. We’re going to take all the salary draws from our side business for the rest of the calendar year and see how much we can pay down.

Here are some of the steps involved with implementing this goal:

  • Complete monthly bookkeeping and salary draws for the business.
  • Write checks each month for extra payments to apply to the principle.
  • Drive to the bank to deliver the extra payments (we can’t do this online with our current mortgage company).

5. Completing 700+ hours of coaching. This year, I up-leveled my coaching credential to PCC after completing 500 hours of coaching. Since that point, I’ve added another 200 hours or so of coaching experience. As the year winds to a close, I’m looking forward to seeing how many hours of coaching I can add to my log.

Here are some of the steps involved with implementing this goal:

  • Log all individual and group coaching hours in my master log.
  • Email coaching clients who have remaining appointments at the beginning of each month with a reminder to schedule if/when they are ready.

6. Starting our landscaping project. We just got approval today from our HOA to begin landscaping work in our yard! This will include adding some plants to small border areas, installing a sprinkler system, adding a stone patio in the backyard, installing some ground lighting, and putting in a fence around our property. I’m pretty excited to get started.

Here are some of the steps involved with implementing this goal:

  • Getting final approval on our fence plan from the HOA.
  • Finalizing the start date with the landscaping company.
  • Taking lots of before and after pictures!

7. Settling into a new role at work. I recently shared that my role with my day job shifted from managing one team to overseeing four teams. That transition began this week, so I’m looking forward to seeing what this new role will bring in terms of what I can contribute to my organization and how I can grow in my own professional development.

Here are some of the steps involved with implementing this goal:

  • Participate in transition meetings for all of my previous staff members with their new supervisors.
  • Facilitate kick-off meetings with the new people who report to me to learn about their unit goals and projects for this year.
  • Overhaul our directors meetings to encourage more collaborative cross-unit projects and initiatives.
  • Develop my own goals to share with my boss within the first month of this new role.

8. Hitting our annual business revenue goal. I mentioned in this recent Make Your Way podcast business update that I was within about $10k of the goal for our business revenue this year, so we’re on track to achieve this year-end goal. 2020 has been a whirlwind of a year, but we’ve also seen some growth in our business that’s been a pleasant surprise.

Here are some of the steps involved with implementing this goal:

9. Reading more books that I own. I’ve purchased more books in the last six months or so than I have in years! I’m ready to hunker down this fall/winter and read, read, read. 

Here are some of the steps involved with implementing this goal:

  • Divide out the books I own but haven’t read yet.
  • Create a stack of priority books to read before the end of the year.
  • Schedule at least two reading retreats before the end of the year.
  • Track the books I’ve read on Goodreads (I still need to read 25 books to meet my 2020 reading challenge goal).

10. Designing and implementing an end-of-the-year business planning retreat for myself. I really like getting as much prepped for the year as possible with our business so that I can spend more time with clients throughout the year. This year, I have the opportunity to take some extended time off work around the holidays, so I’m looking forward to designing and implementing a business planning retreat to help me launch into 2021 feeling ready.

Here are some of the steps involved with implementing this goal:

  • Finalize dates for time off.
  • Put in vacation request.
  • Choose the projects that I need to complete during my retreat period.
  • Create the schedule for my business planning retreat with activities broken out into half-day periods.

Whew! That’s a lot of things to do before the end of the year, but I’m feeling really energized around each of these goals.

Of course, I would love to hear what you are up to for the rest of the year.

What’s on your plate in terms of goals and action items?

To think on:

  • How does setting goals motivate you to move projects forward?
  • What projects are you most looking forward to working on in this last third of the year?



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