12 Books on My Current To-Read Pile

by | Feb 6, 2021 | Blog, Books and Reading

Apparently, during this COVID period, I have two ways of handling stress:

  1. Pursuing credentials (after up-leveling my coaching credential to PCC, in the last year I’ve also earned my RYT-200, PMP, and DASM credentials, and I’m currently working toward RYT-500 and CPTD credentials).
  2. Buying Kindle books when they are on sale for $1.99.

Most mornings, after checking email and looking over my social media notifications, I work my way over to Amazon.com and browse the $1.99 Kindle Daily Deals. I don’t always purchase something, but more often than not I find something that I’ve been meaning to read. 

I’m still a dedicated library user, especially now that I can easily browse and download ebooks and audiobooks, but this has also served as a fun pastime. And if one of my favorite authors happens to have a book on sale… well, that purchase with 1-click button certainly comes in handy.

In this post, I thought I would share some of my recent book purchases in case there are any that you might want to add to your to-read pile:

What’s on your to-read stack lately? See anything here that looks interesting?



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