2020 Goals & Intentions

by | Jan 4, 2020 | Annual Goals List, Blog, Goal Setting and Follow Through

You all know that I love setting goals and this time of year is when I can really revel in all the goal-setting goodness. As I move to a new state and a new job, it’s been even more important for me this year to wrap up 2019 and transition into 2020 with purpose and intention.

I’ve spent the last several weeks planning for 2020 and deciding on my goals. Here are some of the things I want to prioritize in the New Year along with some initial action steps:

Deepening my coaching practice. It can be pretty easy to end up on autopilot for anything that you do a lot and I want to keep that from happening with my coaching. I’d love to reflect more on coaching, and make sure that I’m continuing to learn and grow as a practitioner, so that my clients can benefit. Here are some of the action items I have in this area:

  • Read more about coaching
  • Keep a coaching journal (I’ve already started this one and I love it!)
  • Practice having a coaching mindset at my day job

Further develop as a values and alignment coach. Over the past year, I’ve really enjoyed working with my clients on identifying and becoming more deeply aligned with their values. This year, I would like to niche more in this direction in an intentional way. Here are some of the action items I have in this area:

  • Transition the Prolific community to be more about meaningful productivity and aligning actions with values (already done!)
  • Update my website to better reflect this specialization in my coaching
  • Create some kind of workbook or set of materials focused on values and alignment to share with my clients

Strengthen and personalize client support structures. I really want to help my coaching clients to feel like they are cared for when they sign up to work with me, during our engagement, and once our coaching relationship comes to a close. I know there is more work that I can be doing to make this part of my coaching business better. Here are some of the action items I have in this area:

  • Create a more organized client onboarding system
  • Create a system for session note-taking and debriefing
  • Find and/or develop a platform to manage all client notes, goals, and documents

Nurture business growth. I know that my business will not continue to grow by accident and I’m also wanting to make sure that it grows at a pace that I can handle given that I’m moving this year, transitioning to a new full-time job, and that I want to make sure I have time for my own rest and rejuvenation. Here are some of the action items I have in this area:

  • Create a waiting list structure in Airtable for upcoming programs (already done!)
  • Develop my 2020 programs and events calendar and get all dates posted on my website and in Prolific (done!)
  • Be intentional about my 2020 content calendar (including social media posts, blog posts, podcast episodes, and other content I create)

Schedule intentional time for solitude and reflection. It was very clear to me in 2019 that my solitude and reflection time was so beneficial to many different areas of my life. I plan to keep up these habits in 2020. Here are some of the action items I have in this area:

  • Write daily in my morning pages
  • Schedule time to reflect weekly and monthly using my Powersheets planner
  • Schedule quarterly retreats of 3-4 days at a time to plan and/or recharge

Create space to rest and recharge. Because my solitude and reflection time is sometimes a key work time for me, I wanted to also make sure I was carving out time to rest. Here are some of the action items I have in this area:

  • Leave work no later than 5:30pm each evening
  • Schedule in rest periods (like recovery time after travel and monthly massages)
  • Read fun books (my goal is 75 for the year!)

Invest time in my physical health. Yep, it’s time to get back on the exercise wagon. Movement helps my creativity, my physical health, and my mental health, so it’s a win-win-win all around. Here are some of the action items I have in this area:

  • Start running again with my run/walk plan
  • Begin a yoga practice at home
  • Join a local yoga/barre/spin studio close to my work

Make our new house a home. It’s a big deal to move to another state, so I also want to make sure I’m spending time this year getting settled into our new city and our new home. Here are some of the action items I have in this area:

  • Unpack all our boxes post-move (I really hope to get this all done asap!)
  • Create a phased plan for any updates or purchases we need to make in our new home
  • Execute phase 1 of the plan

Since I’ve already gotten started on a number of these items, I plan to revisit this list at the end of quarter one to see what can be checked off, what needs to be modified, and what can be added.

Also, if you’re wondering “where are all your goals tied to your new job?” that’s a great question. I decided to hold off on goal setting around my new job since I have a large team to meet and a lot to learn before I’ll have a good idea of what those goals will look like. More to come on that as I get settled into my new job in February!

What goals and intentions are you focused on as we launch into 2020?



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