2024 Q4 Annual Goals Final Debrief

by | Dec 21, 2024 | Blog, Goal Setting and Follow Through

Similar to previous years, in 2024 I drafted a shorthand list of my goals that I can refer to throughout the year. Totaling 24 goals for 2024, I left four slots empty for goals that I plan to add during each quarter of the year.

For 2024, I also decided to organize my goals around the principles of my radical self-trust taxonomy. This is something that I’ve done in the past and this year seemed like a good opportunity to return to this structure. 

Like I have in the past, I chose several goals for 2024 that will take a while for me to achieve so that I can look forward to working on them all year long. Now that we’ve wrapped up all of 2024, it’s time for a final check-in on my goals to see what I was able to achieve.

Here are my 24 goals for 2024 and the progress I was able to make:

Living My Core Values with Intention

(My core values are radical self-trust, creativity, recovery/self care, alignment, and holding space. I talk about these values in more depth in this blog post. I also share some strategies for identifying your core values in this podcast episode.)

  • Pay off 25% of our remaining mortgage (RST, alignment, self-care). I was able to make consistent extra payments to our mortgage in the first three-quarters of the year so we are over 100% complete with the number I was hoping to pay off this year!
  • Go on a self-designed business retreat (creativity, alignment). I completed this retreat over my vacation that happened at the end of June through the first week in July. Having concentrated time to focus on my business was so amazing and I ended up designing a new project for 2025 called PM by Design.Edit LinkVisit Link
  • Add a weekly guided meditation option to the Prolific events calendar (creativity, holding space, self-care). Done! I started to offer a live guided meditation session on Sunday evenings and themes have included gratitude, self-compassion, goal visualization, and welcoming in a new season.Edit LinkVisit Link

Nurturing My Superpowers

(I define superpowers as the areas where one’s strengths and values overlap. When I cultivate my superpowers, I become more of who I am meant to be and I can offer more of my unique contributions to the world. While I can identify several different superpowers that I have, reading is an area that I want to continue to focus on this year since it helps the most with my value around recovery/self-care.)

Playfully Experimenting

(By playfully experimenting, I help to keep myself energized through trying new things and stretching myself in new areas.)

  • Try climbing at an indoor rock wall. Done! I was able to complete this over my spring break vacation in March.
  • Complete an alphabet reading challenge each month (choosing a random letter and picking 5 books from my Kindle that start with that letter) to read more books that I already own (you can see what I pick on my monthly TBR videos on my YouTube channel). Done! I love this challenge so much to keep my reading spontaneous and to explore some new authors.

Seeking Self-Knowledge

(Continually learning about myself gives me more clarity with my life’s direction as well as more peace with all the large and small decisions that I make.)

  • Return to a regular journaling practice. Done! I’m journaling in my five-year journal regularly and I got back to my daily journaling practice over the summer. You can check out this podcast episode to hear about how I rebooted this routine.
  • Find a good therapist and attend at least six sessions. Done!
  • Add pieces to my wardrobe that align with my personal style. Done! In Q1, I purchased a couple of skirts, a new sweater, and some capri jeans for warmer weather. In Q2, I purchased a couple new pairs of work capris and refreshed my leisure clothes with some new sweatpants and sweatshirts. I also did a few closet clean outs in the first half of the year and made donations to my local thrift store. In Q3 and Q4, I purchased some additional sweaters for the winter season and a couple more pairs of pants for work.

Practicing Loving-Kindness Toward Myself and Others

(I can offer more to others when I take care of myself, so prioritizing recovery time and self-care is a must for me.)

  • Log 20k minutes in the Peloton app by the end of the year. This is completed! I logged well over 20k minutes for the year through biking, walking, rowing, running, yoga, and meditation.
  • Re-watch 12 nostalgic movies. Done! In Q1 this year I re-watched 12 movies. Some of my favorites were Now and Then, The Italian Job, The Martian, Juno, and Spotlight.
  • Find a dentist and get back to regular appointments. This happened in September and I’m happy to report I had no cavities and now I’m back on track with regular appointments every six months.

Settling into My Life’s Purpose

(A big component of my life’s purpose is helping people create and engage in meaningful change. I do this through leadership, coaching, writing, and things like modeling aspects of radical self-trust in what I share on my podcast and blog.)

  • Cross the 1800+ coaching experience hours mark in my coaching log. Done! I crossed the finish line for this right at the end of the year!
  • Read four coaching-related books. This is done! I read Widen the Window, The Search, Next!, and Feel-Good Productivity.
  • Write a nonfiction book (goal: at least 50k words). I adjusted this goal to include the training manuals that I drafted for my new PM by Designcourses since those clocked in at over 100k words. I’m calling this goal done!Edit LinkVisit Link

TBD (goals that I added during each quarter of the year)

  • Completed final book publication tasks. My extra goal for Q1 was getting all the final work done for the second edition of The Blended Course Design Workbook, which came out later in 2024. Runner up: I also took on some new work responsibilities in Q1 so those also get an honorable mention.
  • Launched a side project for my business. I decided to create a new course for my coach training program on coaching neurodiverse clients, so I started the reading and research for this project in Q2.
  • Designed PM by Design. This was not on my roadmap for the year’s goals, but I dove in over my summer break and was able to make major progress on designing this project that will launch in 2025. Edit LinkVisit Link
  • Got new headshots and launched a refreshed website. My last headshots were done over five years ago, so it was definitely time to get them updated alongside my website refresh. I loved engaging a web developer for this refresh and having her lead me through her creative process (hear more about this experience in my recent podcast episode). You can also check out the refreshed main website here (and a new PM by Design site)! Runner up: I also announced a new AMA series for 2025.

It was a really full year for me with lots of accomplishments to celebrate. What are you most proud of accomplishing in 2024?



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