50% Done

by | Jun 30, 2018

The end of June is one of my favorite times because it signals that we are on the down slope of the second half of the year.

Like my quarter-year check-in, the halfway point offers a nice opportunity to see how my goals are going since there is still 50% of the year to go.

So, here’s a review of the goals that I set back in January. If you remember, each goal was aligned with one of five vision statements.

I’ve copied my goals below and added my progress next to each in italics.

Vision Statement # 1: I am a writer, therefore I write.

  • Draft book # 4 (with co-authors): The draft is complete! We’re working our way through revisions now and hope to send the manuscript out for review next month.
  • Complete final production steps for book # 3 and two edited collections: Final production steps are completed for book # 3 and one of the edited collections. The second edited collection is still out for review and feedback.
  • Secure contract for book # 5 (proposal submitted Dec 2017): My co-author and I submitted some revisions based on publisher feedback and are still waiting to hear back. 
  • Draft book # 5 (with co-author): Not started at all. Because of other projects on my plate, this project hasn’t been a huge priority to move forward.
  • Market book # 3 when released: Working on some plans for this, but haven’t started in earnest since the book is still several months out from release.
  • Market two edited collections when released: Working on some plans for this, but haven’t started in earnest since both collections are still several months out from release.
  • Market new book series when launched (I serve as series editor): Working on some plans for this with the two series authors, but haven’t started in earnest since both books are still several months out from release.
  • Gather ideas for book # 6 proposal: I’ve been dabbling with this and even created a draft book outline that I’ve been toying with. I definitely consider this a fun passion project for now.
  • Continue to write weekly essays for my email newsletter (also posted on The Academic Creative blog): I’ve written essays every week so far this year. In progress.

Vision Statement # 2: I am an academic creative who serves other academics who want to create things.

  • Record additional seasons of the AcademiGig podcast (now Make Your Way) and additional weekly episodes for You’ve Got This, Research in Action & The Anatomy of a Book podcasts: The second season of AcademiGig is out and we have recorded season three to be released later this year. I have released weekly episodes for the remaining podcasts each week this year (with the exception of the last week of June when I released archived episodes as I recovered from the flu). In progress.
  • Transition ht:a webinar content from 2017 into mini-courses to release in 2018: This is done! The courses feature of ht:a launched with all the nine courses as well as a master course which include all content from the first year of the series.
  • Complete ht:a webinar series year one: Done!
  • Launch ht:a webinar series year two: Done! You can learn more at https://howtoacademia.com — I’m very excited for the year two topics!
  • Build the companion website for book # 3: I’ve purchased a domain name and started building this website. I had hoped to complete this in June, but it’s looking like it will be a July project. In progress.
  • Build the companion website for new book series: I’ve purchased a domain name and started building this website. Since the release date for the series was shifted to later in 2018, I’ve back-burnered this project for the moment.
  • Design and create content for a second online course (topic TBD): This is done and released! SoTL by Design was launched on June 1!
  • Be a supportive presence for my co-authors and for the authors writing for the series I’m editing: I hope so! I’m working on it!

Vision Statement # 3: I am an entrepreneur who does business on my own terms.

  • Quit Facebook: Done.
  • Surpass the 2017 revenue for my side business: Won’t know until the end of the year, but I’m still on track to at least match last year’s revenue.
  • Have in-person speaking engagements represent less than 50% of 2018 revenue: Currently, this is the case although my pipeline for the year has speaking bringing in close to 50% of revenue so far.
  • Launch new virtual summer writing groups program: These launched and they are SO FUN so far. You can learn more here if you’re interested in future groups.
  • Create a marketing strategy for webinar and speaking offerings: I may still do this, but since I’m already booked for speaking through 2018 and I’m starting to book into early 2019, this hasn’t been a priority for me. 
  • Launch revised marketing for website design offerings: This is another area where I’ve pulled back a bit to prioritize other projects. I may still refresh this by the end of the year, but I’m not sure yet.
  • Increase number of website design clients from 2017: In progress.
  • Continue to engage and form community on social media and online platforms of my choice (Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Mighty Networks): In progress.

Vision Statement # 4: I am a coach who serves academics and higher education professionals looking to design their ideal lives.

  • Complete first phase of coaching training: This phase is complete!
  • Apply for and complete second phase of coaching training: This phase is in progress and will wrap up in September 2018. Right now, I’m about halfway through the second part of my training.
  • Log 100 hours of coaching: I’m getting there!
  • Apply for coaching certification through ICF: This will probably happen in fall 2018 once I meet all the necessary training requirements.
  • Launch revised marketing for my coaching offerings: I updated the PDF that I share with potential clients, but I’ll also be making some updates to this part of my website later this year as well. In progress.
  • Increase number of coaching clients from 2017: Done. I’ve had a lot of inquiries in this first quarter, which has caused me to pull back in other areas to prioritize the coaching element of my business.

Vision Statement # 5: I am committed to my physical, mental, and emotional health.

  • Continue working with personal trainer on building back and core strength: Although I love working with my trainer, I’m taking a break from weekly sessions while I complete the second part of my coaching training since both of these meetings take place in the evenings and I don’t want multiple busy evenings a week.
  • Daily workouts (even if short): Working on this. I got disrupted by getting sick again in June, but I’m working on getting back to my consistent morning runs and I’ve been using Aaptiv to get creative with my workouts.
  • Schedule regular solitude (at least one day per month): I’ve been making this a priority and have definitely gotten in some solitude while traveling in the second quarter of the year.
  • Average 10k steps per day and 7.5+ hours of sleep per night each week: The sleep is happening, but the steps are always a work in progress. Morning runs definitely help when I can fit them in.
  • Minimum 64 oz of water and eat a salad or drink a green smoothie daily: Water consumption is going well and I’m definitely attentive to eating more veggies, although it’s not always in the form of a salad or smoothie.
  • Read something for pleasure at least once per month: Yes! I’m totally back to reading novels and I’m loving it. So far this year I’ve read 28 novels and 12 non-fiction books (come find me on Goodreads to see what I’m currently reading).

I’ve still got a few larger projects on my plate for the remainder of 2018, but this review of my goals show me that I’ve already accomplished quite a bit. Those wins serve as great motivation to keep going.

I’m looking forward to seeing what the second half of the year brings!

To think on:

  • What is your annual goal progress for the first half of the year?
  • What is on your plate for the remaining 50% of 2018?



The Academic Creative is a weekly email newsletter with an essay sent out each Friday morning on topics like creativity, resilience, and productivity.