It’s hard to believe, but we’re less than three months from the end of the year. I’ve been thinking a lot about this final push and the tasks and projects I want to get off my plate before 2019 arrives.

Things have been busy, and now it’s time to create that comprehensive list of things to do and create before the end of the year.

Here’s my list:

  1. Apply for my coaching certification once I hit my coaching hours requirement.
  2. Update my coaching website once I have certification in hand.
  3. Complete my 16-week RST Run/Walk Challenge.
  4. Complete the release of Season 3 of Make Your Way and start recording Season 4 episodes.
  5. Design and facilitate three more ht:a webinars.
  6. Write and release 12 more weekly blog posts.
  7. Record and release 36 podcast episodes for the RST Podcast Channel.
  8. Present sessions at three different conferences (thankfully all taking place right up the road in PDX).
  9. Continue creating content for SoTL by Design updates (in particular, I want to add some resources on data visualization and faculty development before the end of the year).
  10. Read a minimum of 3 “fun” books a month for the rest of the year.
  11. Wrap up fall writing groups and launch marketing for winter 2019 writing group offerings.
  12. Complete a 10-day writing retreat in December (it’s one of my favorite annual events) to draft the curriculum for my Radical Self-Trust group coaching program.

To think on:

  • What’s on your to-do list to complete before the end of the year?



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