A New Motivational Mantra

by | Dec 1, 2018 | Blog, Motivation, Overcoming Challenges

Tis the season for wrapping up a lot of large projects. The challenge? I’ve lost a lot of motivation as we near the end of the year.

I’ve definitely entered into hibernation mode post-conference season. I’m ready to watch all the movies, take all the naps, and power down to recharge for the New Year.

I’ve written before about the importance of staying strong at the end of a project so that you can focus on the final — and important — details, but I’ve found myself struggling with this lately.

To be honest, I’d rather just be curled up with a cup of tea and a novel.

Can you relate?

But those projects aren’t going to complete themselves, so I’ve come up with a mantra that’s been helping a lot with my motivation:

The hard work is already done.

I find myself repeating this in my head when I’m trying to get motivated to wrap up all those final details. You know, like:

  • the final edits on my next book project
  • the miscellaneous paperwork to complete my coaching certification
  • the last little bits of website coding for a client
  • the social media promotion for my new book
  • the thank you notes (so many thank you notes!)

But all these things, they’re the easy part!

The hard work is already done.

This mantra is a reminder that the hard work is already finished. It’s just downhill from here.

And the best part? It reminds me to be grateful.

Grateful for my past self’s hard work. Grateful for the opportunity I had to do the work in the first place.

And, most importantly, grateful that the hard part is already done!

To think on:

  • What projects are you trying to wrap up as the year ends?
  • How are you motivating yourself to complete the final steps?



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