A Winter Break Bucket List

by | Dec 24, 2022 | Blog, Goal Setting and Follow Through, Seasonal Bucket Lists

My upcoming winter break is something that I have really been looking forward to. 

As I’ve mentioned in the past, uninterrupted time is my love language and I’m looking forward to a week of open days where I can do whatever I want.

Admittedly, I do have a list of tasks to complete to help prep my business services and events for 2023, but I also wanted to make sure that I focused on lots of ways to spend my time that will be both fun and restful.

Hence, creating my winter break bucket list.

I’ve chosen 20 tasks, broken into five themed categories, that I’m really looking forward to. Here is what’s on my list:


  • Procure ingredients for and make gluten free vegan pizza (as of posting this, crust and sauce have been gathered)
  • Visit the new Natural Grocers in our neighborhood (it opens on December 28)
  • Eat as much salad as possible (these are harder for me to prep every day when I go to the office, but are much easier when I have access to my kitchen each day)
  • Make a snack dinner one night (i.e. cobble together fruit, veggies, crackers, popcorn, etc.)


  • Spend an hour browsing at my local library (I love to visit my library when I don’t have to worry about when they are closing at the end of the day)
  • Organize my January TBR list (hooray for planned reading lists — I’ve loved having TBR lists in 2022 and want to continue this practice in 2023)
  • Try to get to get as close to 300 books read this year as I can (I’m currently 21 books away, so I might as well try!)
  • Buy a physical copy of a book or series that I really want (this is to-be-decided, but I’ve gotten a couple of gift cards that I want to spend)

Media Indulgences

  • Watch the Hunger Games movies (I just saw these listed on one of our streaming services and thought these would be fun to revisit)
  • Watch the Divergent series movies (I recently read these books and want to watch the movies again)
  • Catch up on watching YouTube channels (I’ve focused a lot on reading lately and have fallen behind on some of the channels that I subscribe to)
  • Spend a morning listening to podcast episodes (see above about focusing on reading… I’ve missed listening to podcast episodes!)


  • Finalize my 2023 goals list (I find very few things more fun than goal setting)
  • Play a game of scrabble with my partner (we both love word games and it’s been a while since we’ve pulled out this game)
  • Play Box One (I just purchased this game for my partner and we’re both looking forward to playing it)
  • Try a new video game (I tend to like puzzle and mystery games)


  • Spend at least one full day in bed reading or watching movies in my pajamas (I can’t even tell you how long it’s been since I’ve done this and I couldn’t be more excited)
  • Take at least one afternoon nap (at least one, but hopefully many)
  • Take a couple of longer leisurely walks (again, I love walking when I don’t have to worry about when I need to be somewhere, so extended breaks are a great time to get in some longer ambles)
  • Don’t wake up to an alarm (hooray for not looking at the clock all break long!)

What is on your winter break bucket list?



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