On this episode, I share my word of the year for 2025.
MYW 62: Our Biggest Business Fears (A Retrospective)
In this episode, Sara and Katie revisit their biggest business fears.
YGT 185: Staying Grounded in Uncertain Times
In this episode, I talk about some of the strategies I’m using to stay grounded in times that are uncertain.
YGT 184: A Conversation with Friends about COVID-19
On this podcast episode, I’m sharing a conversation with colleagues on transition to remote teaching & learning, students support, and work in higher education as we respond to COVID-19.
YGT 177: Dreading Versus Doing
In this episode, I share how I’m shifting from a mindset of dreading to doing when it comes to my new workout plan.
Q&A #136: Does a Fear of Success Hold You Back?
In this episode, I talk about having a fear of success and what to do about it.
YGT 131: Starting Before You Feel Ready
In this episode, I talk about the importance of starting something scary before you feel ready.
5 Ways to Turn Fear into Excitement
On shifting mindsets.
Q&A #118: Taking Creative Risks
In this episode, I talk about some of the creative risks I’ve taken and how I knew it was the right time to take the plunge.
Q&A #105: Strategies for Analysis Paralysis
In this episode, I discuss some of the reasons for analysis paralysis and some potential strategies that might help.
YGT 112: Responding to Fear
In this episode, I share some strategies for responding to fear based on recent conversations with several coaching clients.
Q&A #72: Nine Questions to Help You Tackle Fear and Procrastination
In this Q&A episode, I respond to a listener challenge about how to “get on with it” and get over the fear of being wrong.
MYW 5: Our Biggest Business Fears
In this episode, Katie and Sara share about their biggest fears related to their businesses.
Scheduling Bravery
A trick I’ve learned to combat fear.
Ignore the Metrics
They can wreck creativity.
Q&A #32: Perfectionism
In this Q&A episode, I respond to a listener question about differentiating between a focus on craft and paralyzing perfectionism.
TWR 3: On Not Making Something Bigger Than It Is
On this episode, I share about how I’m actively trying to not make the book bigger than it is (i.e. I’m still dealing with a lot of fear).
YGT 33: Doing Scary Things
In this episode, I talk about some of the areas of my work that have been scaring me lately and how I’m doing the work anyway.
Treat Fear as a Both/And Situation
On dealing with my fear of flying.
Hunkering Down is Not the Same Thing as Hiding
Some thoughts on resistance.
YGT 20: Accepting Deficits (or Not) – Part 1 & 2
In part one of this episode, I talk about accepting components of yourself that could be seen as a deficit. In part two, I discuss acknowledging how you can know when you need to fix or change a deficit.
We Have More Capacity Than We Think
On producing regular content.
Invest Your Worrying Time and Energy Elsewhere
And watch it pay dividends.
Take Yourself Seriously
Or no one else will.