In this episode, I share some strategies for creating more margin in your schedule and your life.
YGT 229: My Current Favorite Restful Activities
In this episode, I share some of the ways that I build in rest each day.
YGT 214: Weekly Planning Based on Energy Levels
In this episode, I share strategies for how I plan my week based on my energy levels.
8 Things I’m Doing Instead of Doomscrolling
Positive distractions for a challenging period.
YGT 212: Election Week Self-Care
In this episode, I share my election week self-care plan and offer ideas to help you relax and manage stress.
YGT 211: Simple Pleasures
In this episode, I share five simple pleasures that have been giving me joy lately.
YGT 205: My Favorite Pandemic Purchases (So Far)
In this episode, I share some of my favorite things that I’m purchased so far during this pandemic period.
YGT 198: My 2020 Restful July Plans
In this episode, I share about my plans for a restful July.
YGT 192: Relaxing Expectations
On this episode, I share some of the ways that I’m relaxing expectations around my productivity.
YGT 187: Seeking Comfort
In this episode, I share three poems that are bringing me comfort right now in hopes that they might offer you comfort as well.
What Goes on the Backburner When Life Gets Busy
I’m learning to prioritize all the things.
Tips for Surviving Back-to-Back Conferences
Based on experience.
2019 Restful July Plans
How I’ll fill my time when I’m not creating new content.
YGT 150: My 2019 Restful July Plans
In this episode, I share plans for my upcoming restful July sabbatical, when I take time off from content creation.
MYW 36: Practicing Active Recovery
In this episode, Sara and Katie talk about active recovery, self-care, and taking time for ourselves.
YGT 143: What to Do When You’re Feeling Stuck
In this episode, I talk about some things to do when you’re feeling stuck.
Taking Guilt-Free Time Off
Which is the best kind of time off.
Q&A #134: When Should You Take a Sick Day?
In this episode, I share some of the questions I ask when I’m trying to decide whether to stay home from work when I’m sick.
YGT 139: Practicing Active Recovery
In this episode, I share some strategies for practicing active recovery after a difficult or challenging experience.
Q&A #128: Are You Taking Vacation Time?
In this episode, I ask whether you are taking your vacation time and offer some suggestions for different ways to build in vacation time to your schedule.
TWR 95: The Importance of Writing Breaks
In this episode, I discuss the importance of pulling back from writing to gain perspective.
Q&A #116: Favorite Winter Indulgences
In this episode, I share some of my current favorite winter indulgences that are bringing me joy.
YGT 122: End-of-Year Burnout
In this episode, I talk about some ideas for dealing with end-of-year burnout.
YGT 119: Personal Stylist Debrief
In this episode, I share about my recent session with a personal stylist.
The Best Decision I’ve Made in a While
On listening to and taking care of yourself.
Q&A #102: What’s Your Self-Care Routine?
In this episode, I share some of the components of my self-care routine.
Relaxing into a New Season
It’s back to school time again…
TWR 68: The Benefits of Creative Breaks
In this episode, I discuss some of the benefits and outcomes of my latest creative break.
TWR 67: A Restful July
In this episode, I talk about some of my plans for taking a break from creative work this month.
YGT 102: A Restful July
In this episode, I talk about some of my plans for taking a break from creative work this month.