Did I Mention I Have a New Book Out?

by | Feb 8, 2020 | Blog, Career, Writing and Publishing

With the move from Oregon to Kansas, I’ve almost forgotten about sharing a major milestone: I have a new book out this month!

A couple years back, I started drafting Going Alt-Ac: A Guide to Alternative Academic Careers with two amazing colleagues, Kevin Kelly and Tom Tobin, and now I’m thrilled to share that the book is in print from Stylus Publishing. 

As a long-time alternative academic (that is, someone who has used her PhD for roles outside of the tenure track), I figured it was time for the kind of practical guide that I wished I had available for me when I was in grad school. 

Here are some of the topics we talk about in the book:

  • How to decide if the alt-ac route is for you (at any career stage)
  • How to learn more about alt-ac roles
  • How to apply for alt-ac roles in a range of fields
  • How to grow and develop as an alt-ac professional (at any career stage)
  • And so. much. more. (For example, we profile a couple dozen alt-ac professionals throughout the book to share their stories and career pathways.)

We really envision this book as helping several different audiences:

  • Grad students trying to figure out their next career steps
  • Early or mid-career faculty or academic professionals thinking of shifting to an alt-ac role
  • Advisors or career center professionals who want to learn more about the alt-ac landscape for when they are mentoring their students 
  • Anyone wanting to keep up with the changing landscape of academic careers

Kevin, Tom and I had the pleasure of being interviewed about the book on the New Books Network podcast. If you want to hear a bit more about it, listen in here: https://newbooksnetwork.com/k-linder-et-al-going-alt-ac-a-guide-to-alternative-academic-careers-stylus-publishing-2020/

Thanks for celebrating this fun milestone with me!



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