The Slow Hustle Mastermind

Program Overview

This 12-month structured mastermind is focused on an intentional growth model for people wanting to start or grow their small businesses. It is for those who are trying to get a business off the ground, or strengthen a current business, but who might also be feeling overwhelmed about all the pieces that go into running a business (marketing, social media, content creation, systems, customer management, etc.).

While one of the goals of this program is building revenue for the participants, it’s also about a lot more.

Through this program, you’ll learn how to:

  • infuse your values into all aspects of your business (offerings, marketing, communication, content, etc.)
  • define “enough” goals for your business that ensure growth while maintaining balance with other life obligations and priorities
  • leverage a runway to create sustainable systems and business practices
  • strategically plan for the creation and maintenance of content, marketing plans, sales funnels, client communications, and other fundamental business elements
  • make decisions regarding why, when, and how to automate and/or outsource aspects of your business to save time and decrease stress
  • engage in effective collaborations that will strengthen your business and audience

Participants of the program walk away with:

  • a stronger sense of your professional and personal values as they relate to your business goals
  • metrics for how you define success when working on your own terms
  • quarterly and annual strategic plans for growing your business with intention at a pace that is right for you
  • increased awareness of business tools, processes and systems that are a fit for your business and growth needs
  • a clearer picture of the audience for your products and/or services
  • ideas and tactics for engaging in purposeful partnerships and/or collaborations (if a desired business element)

Each program offering includes:

12 monthly group coaching sessions via Zoom.

Each 90-minute session will begin with a short overview of the topic for that month, followed by concrete examples and plenty of time for questions and discussion to contextualize the material for each participant’s business.


Monthly group accountability check-ins.

We check-in approximately 2 weeks in between each monthly session with short accountability posts in the Prolific platform. These asynchronous posts are optional, but offer a great way to stay accountable to the personalized goals you set for your business each month.

Weekly planning sessions.

Each week, you’ll have the opportunity to join a live planning session to get those business building tasks added to your to-do list. These meetings are optional, but offer a great way to put in the planning you need to keep up your momentum with business-related tasks.

Quarterly 1:1 coaching sessions on topics of your choice.

In addition to the group meetings, you will have the opportunity to schedule four private coaching sessions with Katie throughout the year to go deeper on whichever topics you want to to cover. These sessions offer an opportunity to focus on topics such as mindset, confidence, and values.


Free lifetime access to Prolific.

To help you stay in touch with your Slow Hustle cohort members between meetings, and to help you network with past and future Slow Hustle participants, you’ll receive free lifetime access to Prolific, Katie’s online community focused on meaningful productivity.


Dozens of resources, examples, and tools for all your business needs.

For each month’s topic, participants receive a list of relevant resources including books, blog posts, podcast episodes, tool recommendations, and examples from a range of different business types and contexts.

Program Calendar

January: Building a Values-led Business

February: Defining Your Audience

March: Choosing Communication Channels

April: Creating & Scheduling Content

May: Clarifying Your Business Model(s) & Revenue Streams

June: Designing Services and/or Products

July: Developing/Revising Your Website

August: Experimenting with Marketing, Sales Funnels & Launches

September: Structuring Your Finances & Accounting

October: Onboarding Customers & Creating Automations

November: Choosing When & How to Outsource

December: Planning Strategically for Business Growth

I enrolled in Slow Hustle during a major transition time in my life and at the time was considering the idea of going completely on my own in starting a business. The program was excellent and since enrolling, I’ve learned I’m not ready (mentally or practically) to rely solely on a consulting-business and have since gotten a new job which I love. The program is structured such that you can truly go as “fast” or as “slowly” as fits where you are. Katie absolutely respects that and does a great job balancing offering resources and proactive suggestions where appropriate and also knowing when people (like me) are filing away resources for likely use at a later date. I definitely recommend this to anyone interested in starting or growing a business but also those who aren’t sure and want to learn more about all that is realistically involved in it.

Dr. Andrea Gregg

Director of Online Pedagogy and Credentialing, Penn State

I wanted to create an online course that any white person with a willing spirit could take and grow into a more effective ally/accomplice. Slow Hustle is a program that helped me do this as an academic with a side passion. With the structure of this group, Katie’s expertise, a built-in coach, and a supportive community, I went from no LLC to hosting faculty development groups, creating and delivering an online course to 113 people (including a 60-seat purchase by a university), and setting the foundation for future success. I highly recommend Slow Hustle with Katie because the group is for academics working on side businesses. This is such a unique gift because most business advice does not translate to our academic contexts.

Dr. Kim Case

Visit Kim's Website

Slow Hustle was just experience I needed to increase my confidence and knowledge about launching my business. The topics were sequenced to build on each other and facilitate my business build in manageable pieces. The questions and resources helped me find all sorts of value and creativity that I didn’t know existed!

Rebecca Campbell

Professor, Northern Arizona University

Join the 2025 interest list!


Sundays, once per month; specific dates TBD



11:00-1:00pm MT


$2700 (monthly & quarterly payment plans available)


Zoom video conference