My December To-Do List

by | Dec 3, 2022 | Blog, Lists and Planning, Monthly To-Do Lists

A couple years back, I began writing monthly to-do lists to help me keep track of what’s on my plate. I share these lists here, and report back each month on what I was able to accomplish.

My November list focused on some movement practices, reading, and starting to prep for 2023. Here’s what I was able to get done in the last month:

  • Walked a half-marathon. It was so satisfying to get this annual goal checked off my list. I finished this in under four hours by listening to an audio book and some music. This is my second time walking this distance and I would definitely do it again.
  • Completed a day-long, self-designed yoga retreat. I completed this annual goal over the Thanksgiving break weekend and really enjoyed this time to practice gratitude through my yoga practice. (If you want to see how I organized the day, check out this blog post.)
  • Read the Divergent quartet. I had only read the first couple of books in this series and it was very fun to revisit. I was able to get all the books on audio from my local library and had a good time chipping away at the series throughout the month. (You can friend me on Goodreads or check out my YouTube channel to see the latest books on my to-read pile.)
  • Finished prepping some content through the end of 2022. I had wanted to get all the blog posts and podcast episodes that I plan to release through the end of 2022 prepped, edited, and scheduled by the end of this month. While I got some content prepped, I realized that since some of those episodes and posts are wrapping up my annual goals (and I’m not done working on them yet), I’ll need to wait to prep those later in the month.

November passed very quickly since I had a lot of different projects and tasks on my plate. And now it’s time to plan for a new month of to-do items! I’m ready to launch into December and see what the remainder of this year holds.

Here are some of the items on my December to-do list:

  • Finish my annual reading goals. I have a couple more YouTube videos to post, two series to finish, an alphabet challenge to complete, and 22 more books to read in December to wrap up my annual reading goals. I’ve loved all the reading progress that I’ve made this year and I’m excited to draft new reading goals for 2023. (You can friend me on Goodreads or check out my YouTube channel to see the latest books on my to-read pile.)
  • Finalize my 2023 goals. I’m planning to share my annual goals for 2023 in early January so I want to get them finalized this month. I have a draft list that I’ve been reflecting on for a couple of weeks now, and I’m looking forward to diving into a fresh set of goals in the New Year.
  • Complete my goal to pay off 15% of our mortgage. My partner and I are very close to completing this goal and one more extra payment this year should get us there. I’m positive that I would not have achieved this goal without being very intentional about naming it and staying accountable to it each month.
  • Finish watching all the Star Trek movies. Over Thanksgiving weekend, I made good progress on this goal and now I just have one final movie to watch! I’ve really been enjoying these movies and debriefing them with my partner after we watch each one. I’m actually kind of sad that there is only one movie left.

Once again, this next month is looking pretty full! What are you looking forward to in the month of December?



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