My June To-Do List

by | Jun 13, 2020 | Blog, Lists and Planning, Monthly To-Do Lists

As I mentioned earlier this year, I’m writing monthly to-do lists to help me keep track of what’s on my plate. I thought it might be interesting to share these lists here, and to report back each month on what I was able to accomplish.

My May list focused on diving deeper into my yoga practice and also giving attention to my summer business program enrollments. I also had an unexpected creative project get added into the mix! The month really flew by, but I was able to do the following:

  • Complete the 30-day “Home” yoga series from Yoga with Adriene. 
    I’ve done daily yoga for about 10 weeks now and it’s been a great additional into my morning routine.
  • Read a book on yoga. I ended up reading The Art of Somatic Coachingin May and it helped me connect my yoga practice to a larger context of embodied coaching practices.
  • Continue to have Friday date nights with my partner. We’ve been doing a lot of talking on our date nights to help us process all that’s going on politically. These conversations have been great outlets at the end of each week. 
  • Draft four newsletter/blog posts & record and prep four podcast episodes. Keeping up with this routine is allowing me to continue to reflect and share what might be helpful tips and strategies for others.
  • Edit remaining episodes of season 3 of the Coach to Coach podcast. Season three wraps up this month!
  • Launch enrollment for the June coach training cohort. Done! I have 8 people enrolled and slots for a few more — learn more here and let me know if you’re interested!
  • Launch enrollment for my summer writing group program. Done! We start on June 13 and I have one slot left — learn more here and let me know if you’re interested!

In May, I also ended up designing Blend by Design, my new online resource on creating and teaching blended courses!

And now it’s time to plan for a new month of to-do items! I’m launching into a summer with a lot of meaningful work ahead of me and I’m looking forward to getting started.

Here’s my June list:

  • Launch Blend by Design. This actually happened on June 1 so the course is officially live and available for purchase! Blend by Design has been such a fun and creative project for me to complete and I hope this resource is helpful for individuals and campuses who are transitioning to blended courses in the coming year.
  • Launch summer programs for my business. I’m really looking forward to connecting with these clients and supporting their professional development this summer. This month, I’ll be launching my virtual writing group and the June cohort for coach training, as well as continuing with my first coach training cohort as they begin the 301 course.
  • Start a yoga teacher training (YTT) program. Although I wasn’t expecting to dive into YTT so soon, I found an online program that starts later this month and decided to dive in while I have the flexibility in my schedule that comes from working remotely. I’m looking forward to formalizing what I’m learning about yoga for the next several months.
  • Continue my learning with coaching and social justice work. In June, this will include attending more sessions in my somatic coaching training, but also adding in a couple of courses on decolonizing yoga. Each of these learning opportunities includes lots of different and diverse voices, so I’ll have a lot to think about and take action on.
  • Hire a landscaper. Our yard is getting some attention this month! We need to install a sprinkler system, build a fence, and add in some other plants to the yard. We’re interviewing landscapers now and I’m looking forward to getting this project started later in June.
  • Read more fun (fiction) books. I’ve been missing novels, so I launched into June with a reading weekend and it felt great. Summer reading is some of my favorite reading, so I’m excited to dive into more fiction and also to incorporate a diverse range of authors into my to-read pile.
  • Catch up on podcasts and listen to some new shows. Without a daily commute, I’ve fallen off the podcast listening wagon, so I want to get back into listening this month. I have shows to catch up on and some new podcasts that I’ve added to my feed (mostly focused on social justice and yoga topics) so I have plenty to listen to.

It looks like I’ve got a full list of fun things planned for this month! What are you looking forward to in the month of June?



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