My March To-Do List

by | Mar 5, 2022 | Blog, Lists and Planning, Monthly To-Do Lists

A couple years back, I began writing monthly to-do lists to help me keep track of what’s on my plate. I share these lists here, and report back each month on what I was able to accomplish.

My February list focused on a work project I needed to move forward, transitioning back to the office from remote work, and making progress on a financial goal and a reading goal. Here is what I was able to accomplish in the last month:

  • Wrote a full draft of a report for work. I’m currently leading a task force at work that has been meeting since October of last year. This last month, I was able to draft our report and start to collect feedback on the draft from a number of key stakeholders. We are definitely on track for our March 31 deadline to submit the report to our campus leadership and that feels great.
  • Eased back into work at the office. February was all about easing back into work at the office after being remote. I restocked my snacks and tea, started to settle back into my commute morning routine, bulk prepped my lunches all month, and adjusted my evening schedule to accommodate recovery time (mostly reading time!) after full days in the office.
  • Made an extra mortgage payment. I’m happy to report that I was able to make an extra mortgage payment in February toward our annual goal of paying off 15% of our mortgage. Since this is a pretty big goal, I’m glad to get started on it early in the year.
  • Read The Stand. Done! This was a very fun goal to work on in February. I ended up listening to a lot of this book on audio (it clocks in at over 45 hours of listening time), and speeding up the audio helped a lot with achieving this goal. I’ll be debriefing my February reading on my YouTube channel, so keep an eye out for that video coming soon.

February was another full month, but this short month also passed so quickly! And now it’s time to plan for a new month of to-do items. I’m ready to launch into March and see what the third month of the year holds.

Here are some of the items on my March to-do list:

  • Move more. After a very busy February, I’ve completely fallen off my exercise routine. With warmer weather coming to Denver this month, I’m hoping for some lunchtime walks outside, more yoga, and more consistent morning exercise. (I also talk about my March movement plans on this podcast episode if you want to hear more details.)
  • Complete two big work projects. For the last couple of months, a lot of my time at work has been devoted to two large projects. Both are wrapping up this month and I’m really looking forward to getting a little time back in my schedule. I’m also thinking through ways I can celebrate and show gratitude for the completion of these projects since both involved lots of collaboration with colleagues.
  • Read at least 22 books. For the first two months of the year, I was able to read 22 books each month. That feels like a fitting monthly goal for 2022, so I’m going to try to read that amount again in March. You can check out my March reading goals video on my YouTube channel if you want to learn more about the books I’m planning to read in the coming month.
  • Catch up on watching YouTube videos. After a couple of really busy months, I’m behind on the YouTube channels that I like to watch. I’ve been giving a lot of my free time to reading, so I’d like to balance that out a bit in March so that I can catch up on the channels that I find inspiring and relaxing.

Once again, this next month is looking pretty full! What are you looking forward to in the month of March?



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