My November To-Do List

by | Nov 4, 2023 | Blog, Lists and Planning, Monthly To-Do Lists

A few years back, I began writing monthly to-do lists to help me keep track of what’s on my plate. I share these lists here, and report back each month on what I was able to accomplish.

My October list focused on further easing my way into the fall season. Here’s what I was able to get done in the last month:

  • Wore more sweaters. It’s gotten a little cooler here in Denver and it’s perfect sweater weather. This past month I transitioned to my winter wardrobe now that the weather has started to turn cold.
  • Watched a scary movie. I defined this task pretty broadly since I’m not really a fan of horror films. I ended up counting X-Men: Apocalypse for this since it’s about someone trying to completely wipe out modern civilization.
  • Read the first book in the Twilight series. Revisiting this series is an item on my fall bucket list. I listened to the first book on audio and also watched the movie adaptation. This is one of the rare cases where I like the movies more than I like the books, but the overall story architecture is really fun no matter what the medium.
  • Stored my hammock. With the weather turning cooler, I packed up my hammock and stored it inside until the weather turns warmer again in the spring.

October was a packed month since we also hosted a couple of family visits. Now it’s time to plan for a new month of to-do items! I’m ready to launch into November and see what this next month will bring.

Here are some of the items on my November to-do list:

  • Travel to Washington DC for a conference. I have a work trip in the very beginning part of the month. The trip will be a bit of a whirlwind (flying out one day and flying back the following day), but I’m looking forward to some meaningful conversations with colleagues.
  • Read Iron Flame when it releases. I loved reading Fourth Wing earlier this year and the next book in the series releases on November 7. I’m definitely adding that book to my November TBR list!
  • Turn in my book manuscript. The deadline for the revisions to the second edition of The Blended Course Design Workbook is the middle of November, so wrapping up all the final tasks for that project will be a major item on my to-do list this month.
  • Go for a hike. This is another item on my fall bucket list that I’d like to complete before the weather gets too cold. I have a couple of ideas of hiking trails I might try and I’m hoping the weather cooperates to give me some good options for when I can check this off my list.

I’m really looking forward to this upcoming month! What are you looking forward to in the month of November?



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