My November To-Do List

by | Nov 2, 2024 | Blog, Lists and Planning, Monthly To-Do Lists

A few years back, I began writing monthly to-do lists to help me keep track of what’s on my plate. I share these lists here, and report back each month on what I was able to accomplish.

My October list focused on a lot of work-related tasks. Here’s what I was able to get done in the last month:

  • Bought a new laptop. My current laptop was five years old and I was feeling it. With a refreshed set of Apple computers announced in October, it was the perfect time to update and upgrade my systems. I’m lucky that my partner is very tech-savvy and does all the research when I need to make a purchase like this.
  • Started to read through the submissions for the edited collection I’m working on. The deadline for folks to submit their chapter drafts to the edited collection I’m working on with some co-editors was this month, so I started combing through the submissions to provide feedback. Our proposal is currently under review with a publisher, so I’m excited to see this project progressing. (The topic of the collection is coaching in higher education.)
  • Attended an in-town conference. There’s a local event in Denver that I’ve attended twice before and that I took a couple of days to join this month. It was focused on public/private partnerships and I learned a lot from hearing what other institutions are doing in this space.
  • Attended an out-of-town conference. I also had a conference to attend in Tempe, AZ this past month. I enjoyed connecting with colleagues at this conference and seeing what other institutions are doing related to innovations. (You can hear more about the trip in this podcast episode.)

October was a very full month that was packed with activities. Now it’s time to plan for a new month of to-do items! I’m ready to launch into November and see what this next month of the year will bring.

Here are some of the items on my November to-do list:

  • Survive the election. I’m glad that the election is in the first part of the month. I know this is a stressful situation for many people and I’m hoping the decision is settled quickly so we can all come to terms with whatever the next four years will look like.
  • Take a roadtrip to visit family. My partner and I are planning a roadtrip over the Thanksgiving week to visit some family in California. It’s been several years since we’ve gone back to his hometown and this trip is way overdue. I’m looking forward to a leisurely drive and some relaxing time with family.
  • Wrap up my new website project. I’ve been working with a web developer to refresh my main website and it should be done and ready to launch at some point in November. I’m excited to share it with you! (I’ve also started a second website project that will launch later this year or early in 2025, so stay tuned for that as well.)
  • Hit 20k minutes on the Peloton app. This is one of my 24 goals for 2024 and I think that I can achieve it in November. I’m going to use this goal as motivation to stay consistent with my movement practices even when it’s getting colder and darker outside.

I’m really looking forward to what I’m going to accomplish this upcoming month! What are you looking forward to in the month of November?



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