A few years back, I began writing monthly to-do lists to help me keep track of what’s on my plate. I share these lists here, and report back each month on what I was able to accomplish.

My September list focused on checking off a couple important goals and easing into the fall season. Here’s what I was able to get done in the last month:

  • Went to the dentist. One of my annual goals was to find a local dentist and get back to regular appointments. This was way overdue since my move to Denver, so I was glad to get this checked off in September. (And I didn’t have any cavities!)
  • Completed our annual mortgage payoff goal. We are several months ahead of schedule with the annual goal I set to pay down our mortgage this year and we were able to hit the original goal of 25% paid off in September!
  • Started a course (as a student) on coaching people with ADHD. In addition to the reading and research I have been doing on neurodiversity, I also decided to take a course this fall on best practices for coaching people with ADHD. So far, I’m learning a lot and have even met up with a couple of people outside of class for additional discussions.
  • Purchased my fall tea order. Now that we are officially in the -ber months, I celebrated the season by purchasing some fall tea flavors. Chai tea continues to be one of my favorites, but I love pumpkin tea as well. I add a little almond milk and it’s the best morning treat.

September was a busy month that passed by super quickly for me. Now it’s time to plan for a new month of to-do items! I’m ready to launch into October and see what this next month of the year will bring.

Here are some of the items on my October to-do list:

  • Buy a new laptop. My current laptop is five years old and I am feeling it. With a refreshed set of Apple computers coming in October, it’s the perfect time to update and upgrade my systems. I’m lucky that my partner is very tech-savvy and does all the research when I need to make a purchase like this.
  • Start to read through the submissions for the edited collection I’m working on. The deadline for folks to submit their chapter drafts to the edited collection I’m working on with some co-editors is this month, so I’m going to start combing through the submissions and providing feedback. Our proposal is currently under review with a publisher, so I’m excited to see this project progressing. (The topic of the collection is coaching in higher education.)
  • Attend an in-town conference. There’s a local event in Denver that I’ve attended twice before and that I’ll take a few days to join this month. It’s focused on public/private partnerships in higher education and I always tend to learn a lot from the sessions.
  • Attend an out-of-town conference. I also have a conference to attend in Tempe, AZ later this month so I’ll be taking my last plane ride of the year in October. I’m looking forward to connecting with colleagues at this conference and seeing what I can learn from the sessions.

I’m really looking forward to what I’m going to accomplish this upcoming month! What are you looking forward to in the month of October?