MYW 17: Experimentation

by | May 4, 2018

In this episode, we talk about how we experiment with different parts of our businesses. Sara talks about her experimentation in online video on YouTube through her exposure to the Vlogbrothers, and the value of connecting with online communities through YouTube. Katie shares about how she started experimenting with podcasting by collaborating with others in her full-time job. We also discuss how we get feedback from our audiences and how that informs our experimentation, and what we’re actively experimenting with in our businesses.

Transcript (.docx)

We answer:

  • How did Sara start on YouTube and experiment with online video?
  • What motivates us to continue to experiment when we’ve mastered something?
  • How did Katie get into Podcasting? How does she continue to experiment with her podcasts?
  • To what degree will we continue to experiment with aspects of our businesses? At what point will we stop experiment?
  • What are we experimenting with now in our businesses? What are we NOT experimenting with?

Recommended Resources for this Episode:

Contact us directly! You can find Sara at @DrLangworthy and Katie at @Katie__Linder.

Make Your Way is part of the Radical Self-trust podcast channel, a collection of content dedicated to helping you seek self-knowledge, nurture your superpowers, playfully experiment, live your core values with intention, practice loving kindness toward yourself and others, and settle into your life’s purpose.

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