MYW 2: Following the Creative Energy

by | Nov 26, 2017

In this episode we share how we knew we wanted out of the traditional academic path, and the tools we collected along the way that have helped us build our businesses. Sara talks about going where the energy is in her work, and Katie shares about using multi-year planning strategies. We discuss working collaboratively to create cool things. We talk about differences in establishing credibility in the academic versus the internet environments. We also discuss sharing and collaborating on the internet beginning to break down some traditional academic silos. Sometimes a PhD is about collecting tools for your toolbox. So what do you want to get out of this time in your professional career?

Transcript (.docx)

We answer:

  • How did we know we didn’t want to go the traditional tenure track academic role?
  • Was the path forward always clear, and how much did we make it up as we went along?
  • How do we “go where the creative energy is”?

We ask listeners:

  • What do you want to get out of this time in whatever place you are professionally?
  • How do you “go where the energy is”?

Recommended Resources for this Episode:

  • Jen Polk – From PhD to – (@FromPhDtoLife) Great thought leader and coach form PhDs considering careers outside of traditional academic roles.
  • Beyond the Professoriate – Online conference about jobs beyond traditional academic roles.
  • Self-Employed PhD – This online community of other Self-Employed PhDs providing support and ideas to one another.
  • Book Yourself Solid – Michael Port – How to secure the clients you want and not the ones you don’t and being highly sought after.
  • Steal the Show – Michael Port’s book on public speaking.

Links to things we referenced during the podcast:

Contact us directly! You can find Sara at @DrLangworthy and Katie at @Katie__Linder.

Make Your Way is part of the Radical Self-trust podcast channel, a collection of content dedicated to helping you seek self-knowledge, nurture your superpowers, playfully experiment, live your core values with intention, practice loving kindness toward yourself and others, and settle into your life’s purpose.

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