Deeply Rooted
Virtual Retreat
Retreat overview:
The Deeply Rooted Virtual Retreat provides an opportunity to reflect on what you have gained from the past year while you plan for a meaningful and productive New Year.
During this 1.5-day virtual retreat, you will be guided through a process that will give you the time and space to:
- prioritize your guiding values for the coming year
- identify the goals and projects you want to give time and energy to in the coming year
- ensure alignment between your goals, values, and vision
- connect with and learn from other retreat participants
- practice embodied reflection through yoga
Retreat outcomes:
Everyone will take away something different from this experience, but my hope is that you will leave the retreat with a clearer understanding of:
- the lessons you are taking away from the previous year
- your vision for the coming year
- your action plan for meaningful projects you want to accomplish in the coming year
- the word or phrase you want to guide you throughout the year
- a set of personalized daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly practices for meaningful productivity and renewal
All retreat participants will receive a digital workbook of reflective activities to be completed before, during, and after the retreat.
What does the virtual retreat include?
1.5 days of coaching and yoga sessions via Zoom.
During the retreat, sessions will alternate between coaching and reflection sessions and Yin and restorative yoga sequences to help you relax and reflect on what will be most important for you in the coming year. We’ll end the retreat with a themed meditation on our hopes for the New Year.
Small group & partner breakouts, Q&A sessions, and group discussions to build community.
The virtual retreat will include large-group reflection, small-group and paired breakouts for debrief and discussion, Q&A sessions, and private reflection time so that you have a perfect mix of community building and solitude.
A workbook of activities to capture your thoughts and reflections throughout the retreat.
Each session of the retreat includes guiding worksheets for reflecting on and organizing your thoughts. A series of journal prompts and additional bonus worksheets will help you implement your retreat outcomes all year long.
A values and goals alignment Notion template.
You can use this throughout the year to track your priorities and projects. Just copy this free template over to your Notion space once you create an account and make sure it’s unlocked before you edit it.
What does a virtual retreat look like?
Before the virtual retreat activities:
To make sure your retreat time is the best experience possible, after you register I’ll share detailed information about the schedule, what to bring with you, and what to expect from the retreat materials to help you prepare in advance.

During the virtual retreat activities:
The virtual retreat includes a mix of 18 smaller sessions that are divided between individual reflective activities, large group discussion, small group and paired breakouts, Q&A sessions, and specially designed yoga sequences that will help you relax into the coming year.

After the virtual retreat activities:
After our virtual retreat is over, you’ll need some support to implement all of your plans and goals! I’ll be providing Notion templates & bonus worksheets to help you all throughout the year.

Ready to join in?

TBD for 2021/2022
Day 1
9:00am-5:00pm CT
Day 2
9:00am-1pm CT
$197 for the retreat or
$347 for retreat + 1:1 coaching session
Zoom video conference