Setting Seasonal Goals

by | Sep 3, 2016 | Blog, Goal Setting and Follow Through, Seasonal Bucket Lists

Maybe you have some annual goals that you need to turn your attention to in this last third of the year. Or maybe you have some upcoming milestones that you want to focus on this fall term. Maybe there are some habits that you want to strengthen over the next several months.

For me, this fall is all about book promotion, travel and webinars to share some research outcomes, getting back into a regular running practice, and a strong kick-off for drafting my third book. I’ll also continue to record podcasts, keep my writing muscles warm with my weekly newsletter, and make sure that I’m getting good sleep and eating well in the midst of all these projects.

As you can see, my goal list for this fall is a mix of the personal and the professional. If you decide to revisit your own goals for the upcoming term, consider reflecting on the following categories to ensure you’re approaching your seasonal goals with a holistic mindset:

  • Wellness (including eating, sleeping, movement, self-care, and spiritual practices)
  • Professional (including writing, teaching, committee work, project management, and other commitments)
  • Family (including upcoming important dates like birthdays or special events, time spent with children and/or your partner, and other obligations)
  • Social (including coffee dates with friends, email or snail mail correspondence with loved ones, and other forms of connection with those important to you)
  • Fun (including novel reading, Netflix binging, podcast listening, long weekend adventures, cooking experiments, and other tasks that excite and rejuvenate you)
  • Home (including renovation projects, deep cleaning or organization tasks, holiday decorating, and other space-related goals)

Also, don’t forget to build in some room for those unexpected things that will happen like catching that flu that inevitably goes around.

Once you have your goals drafted, post them somewhere you can see them regularly like an office whiteboard, your phone wallpaper, or a post-it by your desk. Regularly seeing your goals will ensure that they stay on your mind and, hopefully, at the top of your priority list.

To think on:

  • Does seasonal goal-setting appeal to you?
  • How can you make your seasonal goals a priority in the coming months?
  • What are your seasonal goals for the upcoming months? Which are you most excited about?



The Academic Creative is a weekly email newsletter with an essay sent out each Friday morning on topics like creativity, resilience, and productivity.