What I Do When I Feel Overwhelmed

by | Mar 12, 2022 | Blog, Overcoming Challenges, Rest and Self-Care

I don’t know about you, but lately it feels like there is a LOT going on.

Between work, personal projects, and world events, it can be easy to start to feel overwhelmed.

Over the past couple of weeks, I found myself being really intentional about how I dealt with my overwhelm.

Here are some of the things that worked for me:

  • Distracting myself with a book when I needed a break
  • Meditating at the end of the day to quiet my mind
  • Making a list of the projects I need to work on and then scheduling them directly into my calendar
  • Sitting quietly with my partner to reconnect
  • Taking a few deep breaths to center myself
  • Reminding myself of my current priorities, and then letting some other things go to be focused on at a later date
  • Delegating some small, but meaningful tasks to my assistant
  • Expressing gratitude to a coworker
  • Calling my mom and hearing about what’s going on in her world
  • Focusing on helping others through supporting my coaching clients
  • Creating an organizational structure for some data that I’m tracking for a project
  • Keep up with daily journaling to process emotions and reflections

What are some things that are helping you to feel less overwhelmed lately?



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