What I Think about When I’m Meditating

by | May 18, 2019 | Blog, Yoga and Meditation

Starting a meditation practice was on my list of goals for this year and I’m happy to say that, almost halfway through the year, I’m finally doing it.

I’m starting pretty slow with just 10 minutes a day and I’m loving it so far. I alternate with the Calm app, the Headspace app, the Insight Timer app, and just meditating on my own with a mantra of my choice.

It’s been a great opportunity for me to become more aware of just how many thoughts I have in my head all. the. time.

Here are just some of the things that I find myself thinking about when I’m supposed to be focusing on not thinking at all:

  • What I’m going to be eating for my next meal
  • The book I’m currently reading
  • My next coaching client meeting
  • Redesign ideas for my website
  • That I need to mail that overdue letter
  • How loud the fan is in my master bathroom 
  • That meditation feels SO good 
  • That I really should be finding time to meditate more
  • That maybe I should go on a meditation retreat
  • That I need to subscribe to more meditation podcasts
  • That I need to look for meditation channels on YouTube

The list goes on and on. I guess that’s why meditation is a practice.

To think on:

  • Have you tried meditation? What did you think?
  • What are you practicing right now in your life?



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