I just wrapped up my summer bucket list and as we head toward the fall I knew that I needed to put together a new list of must-do items for the upcoming months of September through November.

This seasonal bucket list was really fun to put together to because fall is my favorite season of the year.

Here are some of the things I’m looking forward to:

  1. Wrap up my website refresh project. I’ll be working with the designer I hired over the summer to get this project finalized in the coming months. It’s already been so fun to think about what I want to change about my main website and I can’t wait to see the redesign come to fruition.
  2. Read some chunky book series. When the weather starts to turn colder, it’s the perfect excuse to tuck in with some long books. This fall, I have four lengthy book series I’m hoping to complete: the Sword of Shannara Trilogy (1,800+ pages), the Farseer Trilogy (1,900 pages), the Faithful and the Fallen series (2,800+ pages), and the Red Rising Saga (3,400+ pages).
  3. Complete a course (as a student) on coaching people with ADHD. As I mentioned in my September to-do list, I’m taking a course on best practices for coaching people with ADHD. I love being a student and learning new things, so I’m really looking forward to this experience.
  4. Work on 2025 course prep. I have some final details to complete for several courses I’m launching in 2025 including finalizing each syllabus with supplemental readings and other resources, editing the training manuals and getting them printed, drafting my facilitation guides, and completing the prep for the course sites.
  5. Finalize my 2025 goals. It may seem a little early in the year for this one, but I think I may have some prep work for some of my upcoming annual goals so I’m trying to get them figured out ahead of schedule. My initial ideas are fun and exciting to think about, so I’m looking forward to giving this some thought.
  6. Get back to a regular movement practice. After taking over a month away from my daily exercise routine due to a recent illness (I talk more about it on this podcast episode), I’m ready to get back to a more consistent movement practice. In the coming months, that will include cycling, walking, rowing, and yoga.

What’s on your bucket list for the upcoming season?