Your Summer Bucket List

by | Jun 15, 2019 | Blog, Lists and Planning, Seasonal Bucket Lists

Last week, I released a podcast in which I shared about my summer bucket list. Specifically, I talked about the foods I’ll be eating, some novels I want to read, and some of the activities I’m most looking forward to.

Thinking ahead to seasonal activities is one of my favorite ways to ensure that I’m going to enjoy the days ahead. In addition to the things that I mentioned on the podcast episode, here are a few more of my must-have bucket list items for summer:

  • Fresh strawberries
  • Seeing a summer blockbuster in the theater
  • Eating a meal outside
  • Frozen banana “ice cream” (for the vegan version, just blend frozen bananas with a dairy-free milk alternative of your choice and then add fruit, vanilla extract, nuts, pieces of chocolate, or anything else you want to use for flavoring)
  • Early morning walks before the weather gets too hot
  • Long evening walks as the weather starts to cool
  • A road trip to the ocean

Your turn. What’s on your summer bucket list? (Or, for my friends on the other side of the world, how are you looking forward to enjoying your current season?)



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