10 Goals I’m Trying to Complete by 2023

by | Nov 5, 2022 | Blog, Goal Setting and Follow Through

Every year, around this time, I write a post about goals that I am trying to achieve by the end of the year (you can read the post from three years ago here, the post from two years ago here, and the post from last year here).

Maybe, like me, you like to have a bit of a deadline to work with when it comes to making progress on some of your goals. As 2023 gets closer, here’s a peek at what I’ll be up to for the remainder of the year:

  • Walking a half marathon. I am actually really excited to set aside a few consecutive hours of walking time over the Thanksgiving break to get this goal checked off my list. I’m thinking I’ll probably watch a couple of holiday movies over the hours it will take me to complete this.
  • Completing a day-long, self-designed yoga retreat. This is also planned for my Thanksgiving long weekend and I can’t wait. I’m thinking that I’ll string together several different yoga videos, guided meditations, and some self-designed yoga sequences throughout the day all based around a particular to-be-decided theme. 
  • Wrapping up Robert Jordan’s “Wheel of Time” series. I’m narrowing in on completing this goal and I’m so glad that I set aside an entire year to get this done! It’s been a serious time commitment, and I’m so relieved that I was able to get all of these books on audio because I’m not quite sure I would have gotten so far with this goal otherwise.
  • Reading the final books in Louise Penny’s “Inspector Gamache” series. I’ve loved diving back into this series in 2022 and I’m looking forward to finishing the last few book that are already out before another book is released in 2023! I could definitely see re-reading this series again in the future since I’ve enjoyed it so much.
  • Paying off 15% of our mortgage. We are getting really close to completing this goal and have just a couple extra monthly payments left to go. Keeping this goal front of mind throughout the year is certainly part of what made it easier to chip away at it each month. It’s a perfect example of how small steps add up to big results.
  • Finishing watching all the Star Trek movies. My partner and I have about half a dozen of these movies left to go and it’s been super fun to learn more about this universe of characters that I knew nothing about at the beginning of the year. I’ve found that exposing myself to new genres of pop culture (whether through books, movies, television shows) is always rewarding.
  • Exploring 5 walking trails in the Denver area. Even though I have made very little progress on this annual goal thus far in the year, I’m still planning to explore some walking trails over the next couple of months. What better time to get outside than the fall season with crisp weather and hot tea to keep me company?
  • Posting the final videos of the year to my YouTube channel. I committed to posting a couple of videos about books and reading each month of this year on my YouTube channel and I have just a couple left to go! This has been such a fun addition to my content creation this year and I’m already thinking about my YouTube plans for 2023.
  • Working on my book revisions. This has been, admittedly, difficult to fit into an already busy schedule, but I’d like to make decent progress by the end of the calendar year. I’m hoping to get at least one chapter updated for the second edition — any more progress than that will be icing on the cake!
  • Prepping business services and tasks for 2023. As in previous years, I’d like to use at least part of my winter break to get ahead with some business tasks for the New Year. At minimum, I’ll be creating some templates for podcast show notes, brainstorming for my 2023 content calendar, uploading new event posts for my online community Prolific, sending kick-off emails for my coach training and Slow Hustle programs, and getting recurring tasks organized in Asana.

What goals or projects are you working on completing before 2023?



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