Around this time each year, I start to create a final punch list of all the things I’m hoping to accomplish before the next year begins. If you aren’t familiar with a punch list, it’s a document that lists all the tasks that need to be completed before a project can be considered finished. Sometimes this kind of end-of-year list just involves wrapping up my annual goals, but this year I decided to create a list of things that feels a bit more comprehensive.

Here are all the things I have on my list to wrap up before the end of 2024:

  1. Go on a work trip in late October to Arizona
  2. Replace my laptop
  3. Finish my class on coaching clients with ADHD
  4. Get through the election
  5. Finish some revisions and submit a final report for a project at work
  6. Take a trip to Los Angeles over the Thanksgiving week to see some family
  7. Complete my remaining annual goals including:
    • Reading 24 books each month
    • Reading the remaining books on my 24 books in 2024 list
    • Completing my boxset challenge
    • Completing my monthly TBR videos
    • Completing my monthly alphabet challenge to keep reading books I already own
    • Completing 20k minutes on the Peloton app
    • Completing 1800+ coaching experience hours
  8. Offer feedback on the submissions to my co-edited collection on coaching in higher ed
  9. Wrap up 2024 content including:
    • 10 podcast episodes
    • 10 blog posts
    • 4 YouTube videos
    • 2 monthly newsletters
  10. Launch my new website
  11. Launch the PM by Design standalone website
  12. Wrap up 2024 programming including:
    • Finishing 2 coach training classes
    • Finishing Slow Hustle
    • Grading all coach training assessments
    • Updating my course completion records for coach training
  13. Find out who our new chancellor will be at my institution
  14. Complete fall commencement activities
  15. Finish my 16 week run/walk plan (I’m currently wrapping up week 6)
  16. Prep 2025 programs and services over my winter break retreat including:
    • Updating the Prolific events calendar
    • Creating course shells for all 2025 programs
    • Adding content creation tasks to Asana
    • Drafting my coach training syllabi
    • Drafting the PM by Design syllabi
  17. Making progress on a Top Secret Project that I hope to wrap up by the end of the calendar year

What’s on your punch list for the remainder of 2024?