My February To-Do List

by | Feb 1, 2020 | Blog, Lists and Planning, Monthly To-Do Lists

As I mentioned last month, I’m going to be writing monthly to-do lists to help me keep track of what’s on my plate and I thought it might be interesting to share these lists here, and to report back each month on what I was able to accomplish.

My January list was 27 items long, so I won’t report out the entire thing here, but these are some of the bigger accomplishments:

  • I moved to Kansas! This also involved a lot of smaller tasks like getting a new driver’s license, getting unpacked, and getting to know my new home city. It’s been a little overwhelming, but I’m glad that I’ve had a couple of weeks to get settled before I’m back in the office full time.
  • I completed all the tasks to close out my old job and start my new job including lots of paperwork, getting my email and calendar set up, and getting signed up for my retirement plan and health care plan. My new job starts on February 3 and I feel ready!
  • I got my treadmill set up and started a new exercise routine where I alternate strength training with run/walk sessions six days a week. This has been a great set of habits that ensure I have a strong morning schedule to start each day.
  • I set up my home office and got my podcasting equipment back up and running. This helped me to record a couple episodes for the end of January and to finish editing season 2 of the Coach to Coach podcast (it launches next week!).
  • I launched all the 2020 programs for my business starting in January including coach training and my Slow Hustle business mastermind, and onboarded several new private coaching clients. I also officially transitioned my business from Oregon to Kansas and got our new PO Box set up (send me mail at PO Box 1973, Manhattan, KS, 66502).

I also had a couple items that I wasn’t able to complete and that I’ll be moving to next month:

  • unpack & store all boxes (I made a LOT of unpacking progress in January, but I’m also trying to unpack intentionally and not to rush the process so I don’t have to reorganize all of our stuff six months from now)
  • update our car registration (my partner and I both need to be present for this and he caught a flu at the end of January, so we’ll tackle this in February)

Now it’s time to plan for a new month of to-do items! Since I’m starting a new job early in the month, I decided to use this month’s list to make sure I get the basics done this month to stay on track with my personal, work, and business/client tasks when I’m also in the midst of learning a lot of new information for my new role.

Here’s my February list broken out into some broad categories:


  • continue to unpack & store all boxes
  • set up the television area of our downstairs living space and unpack/store all books and dvds in the built-in storage available in that area of the house
  • install a hot water dispenser in our kitchen
  • update our car registration
  • complete four more weeks of my strength training and run/walk plan sessions
  • bulk prep my work lunches each week
  • read at least a couple of novels for fun
  • get a manicure
  • have Friday date nights with my partner


  • get unpacked at my new office at K-State
  • attend the 88 meetings that are on my calendar for February
  • take lots of notes at those meetings
  • get to know my new team of 9 people and the areas where I can help them the most in the coming months
  • build in time for processing information each day/week
  • keep a running list of questions I have to ask various coworkers at K-State as I get oriented to the campus and my role
  • begin to craft my vision for this new role
  • try the free lunchtime yoga program on campus


  • draft four newsletter/blog posts
  • record and prep four podcast episodes
  • release season 2 of the Coach to Coach podcast
  • pre-record and prep some March podcast episodes because of a busy travel schedule next month
  • facilitate a SoTL webinar for a school in Arkansas
  • prep four sessions of coach training and document my facilitator notes
  • contact the waiting list for the March offering of my 7 Weeks to Radical Self-Trust group coaching program (learn more here if you want to join in!)
  • prep February and March Instagram posts and captions and add them to my scheduling platform
  • continue recording episodes for season 3 of the Coach to Coach podcast
  • start recording season 7 of the Make Your Way podcast
  • email my coaching clients that have remaining sessions to remind them to sign up if they are ready

I’ve got a full list this month! What’s on your plate for the month of February?



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