Now that we’ve launched into March, it’s time to debrief my winter bucket list and see what I was able to accomplish.
As a reminder, here are some of the things I was hoping to do (and what I was able to check off my list) from December to February:
- Unveiled two new websites! I spent about six months working with a website designer to redesign my main website and create a website for the PM by Design trainings that I launched in 2025. It was really exciting to get both of these sites up and running toward the end of December and then to continue tweaking them in the first couple months of the year.
- Wrote some chapters for the edited collection I’m working on. My co-editors and I have been finalizing the details for our edited collection on coaching in higher education, which also meant filling in gaps with our own chapter contributions. I had three chapters that I drafted during this winter season and it was great to check them off my list.
- Completed my annual winter break retreat. With a bunch of January launches, I really needed some dedicated time over my December break to do a ton of prep for my 2025 programs and services. I do this prep work every year and, as always, it was incredibly satisfying to get a lot of things ready ahead of time to roll out later in the year.
- Launched all the things in January! I had three different programs launching in January (a new coach training cohort, a new Slow Hustle cohort, and my first PM by Design course… plus two additional coach training courses for existing cohort members are also kicking off). It was a lot of work, but I had strong systems (and a very supportive partner) that helped me to keep things on track for each launch.
- Dove into my 5 side quests for 2025. In early January, I shared my 5 side quests for 2025. I’m all about a creative challenge and I think 2025 is going to offer me so many opportunities to learn and grow in different creative spaces.
- Welcomed a new chancellor. At my work we have been navigating some leadership transitions over the last several months. Our new chancellor and an interim provost started in early 2025. It’s been great to work more closely with these two leaders and unstick some of the initiatives that got paused before they joined us.
And now that I’ve wrapped up my winter bucket list, it’s the perfect time to put together a new list of must-do items for the upcoming months of March through May.
Here are some of the things I’m looking forward to:
- Visit the newly renovated downtown library. The Denver Public Library downtown location recently went through a lengthy renovation and I haven’t had a chance to visit since it re-opened. The location is within walking distance of my office, so I hope to walk over at some point this spring.
- Eat more greens. I’ve been craving greens lately and the spring is the perfect time to dive into more salad making. Baby kale and arugula are some of my favorite greens, so I’m planning to add them to my regular grocery list to have on hand for salads and snacking.
- Close out this academic year. I don’t know about you, but for me this academic year has felt like two years instead of one. We had a lot of change at our institution, which accounts for some of that feeling. I’m looking forward to the warmer summer months and I’m hoping that my meeting schedule slows down a bit.
- Make more protein ice cream (and experiment with other recipes). I recently purchase a Ninja Creami and have been enjoying making tofu-based protein ice cream. I want to do this more as it gets warmer out and to try some sorbet-type recipes as well as we head toward the summer months.
- Add at least three brand new releases to my TBR pile. I often read a lot of backlist fiction and nonfiction that is not published super recently. This upcoming season, I’d like to read a few books that are brand new releases. I often track brand new releases that I’m interested in, so I’ll just need to procure them and add them to my reading pile.
- Turn in our edited collection manuscript. My co-editors and I have a May 1 deadline for our edited collection on coaching in higher education. It’s been a bit of a lift for all of us to fit this project into our busy schedules, so we’re looking forward to wrapping it up and moving on to the next stage of the publication process.
What’s on your bucket list for the upcoming season?