My Winter Bucket List (& Fall Bucket List Debrief)

by | Dec 7, 2024 | Blog, Lists and Planning, Seasonal Bucket Lists

Now that we’ve launched into December, it’s time to debrief my fall bucket list and see what I was able to accomplish.

As a reminder, here are some of the things I was hoping to do (and what I was able to check off my list):

  1. Wrapped up (almost) my website refresh project. I’ve been working with the designer I hired over the summer to get a couple website projects finalized before the end of the year. Seeing the design come together has been really fun and I’ve enjoyed thinking through the creative process with someone else since I usually do website design on my own. I hope to launch both of these projects soon (they may have already launched by the time this posts!).
  2. Read some chunky book series. When the weather starts to turn colder, I love the excuse to tuck in with some long books. In the fall, I had four lengthy book series I was hoping to complete: the Sword of Shannara Trilogy (1,800+ pages), the Farseer Trilogy (1,900 pages), the Faithful and the Fallen series (2,800+ pages), and the Red Rising Saga (3,400+ pages). I haven’t finished them all yet, but I did get through 8 books of the 16 in the various series, so some good progress! (You can always check out what I’m reading on Goodreads and on my monthly YouTube videos.)Edit LinkVisit Link
  3. Completed a course (as a student) on coaching people with ADHD. This fall I took a course on best practices for coaching people with ADHD. I always love being a student and learning new things, so it was super fun to do a deep dive on this topic with a bunch of other passionate learners.
  4. Worked on 2025 course prep. I had some final details to complete for several courses I’m launching in 2025 including finalizing each syllabus with supplemental readings and other resources, editing the training manuals and getting them printed, drafting my facilitation guides, and completing the prep for the course sites. I was able to get some of these tasks done, but some of them will need to wait for my annual winter break retreat.
  5. Finalized my 2025 goals. I always love the fresh energy of a new year and it’s no different for the transition to 2025. I’ll be sharing my new annual goals list soon and I can’t wait to dive into these projects.
  6. Got back to a regular movement practice. After taking over a month away from my daily exercise routine due to an illness (I talk more about it on this podcast episode), I was ready to get back to a more consistent movement practice. This fall season I did a ton of cycling, walking, rowing, and yoga. I even squeezed in walking a half marathon and biking 40+ miles in one day.

And now that I’ve wrapped up my fall bucket list, it’s the perfect time to put together a new list of must-do items for the upcoming months of December through February.

Here are some of the things I’m looking forward to:

  1. Unveiling two new websites! For several months now I have been working on a refresh of my main website as well as a brand new site for my PM by Design trainings. I’m excited to share both of those in the coming months and to continue to add helpful content in both spaces.
  2. Writing some chapters for the edited collection I’m working on. My co-editors and I have been finalizing the details for our edited collection on coaching in higher education, which also means filling in gaps with our own chapter contributions. I’ll need to get these drafts written and edited before our spring book deadline.
  3. Completing my annual winter break retreat. With a bunch of January launches (see below), I’m really looking forward to some dedicated time over my December break to do a ton of prep for my 2025 programs and services. I do this prep work every year and it’s always incredibly satisfying to get a lot of things ready ahead of time to roll out later in the year.
  4. Launching all the things in January! I have three different programs launching in January (a new coach training cohort, a new Slow Hustle cohort, and my first PM by Design course… plus two additional coach training courses for existing cohort members are also kicking off). It’s kind of a lot, so I’ll be leaning into all of my organizational skills to keep things on track for each launch.
  5. Diving into my 25 goals for 2025. I’ll be sharing these on the podcast and the blog soon, and I can’t wait to see what comes of the “side quests” that I’m pursuing this year. I’m all about a creative challenge and I think 2025 will offer me many opportunities to learn and grow in different creative spaces.
  6. Welcoming a new chancellor. At my work we have been navigating some leadership transitions over the last several month. Our new chancellor will join us in early 2025 and I’m looking forward to welcoming him and learning more about his priorities and goals.

What’s on your bucket list for the upcoming season?



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