Celebrating 2020 Accomplishments

by | Dec 12, 2020 | Blog, Celebration, Goal Setting and Follow Through

Every year, I facilitate a session for Prolific members on reflecting on the past year’s accomplishments.

(Psssst! Now is a great time to join Prolific before our 2021 events calendar starts! Check it out to see if you want to join the community for weekly accountability, monthly goals and intention setting, live events, and more!)

Because our brains like to play tricks on us about how much we accomplish in a certain amount of time, I find that it’s often easy to forget or undervalue what we have done in the past. 

This might be especially true for 2020.

So, pull out your CV, comb through your planner and calendar, and look through your projects and to-do lists. Let’s reflect on some of our 2020 accomplishments together. 

Here are some of mine that I’m most proud of:

What are some of your most meaningful accomplishments from 2020?



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