My January To-Do List

by | Jan 1, 2021 | Blog, Lists and Planning, Monthly To-Do Lists

Last year, I began writing monthly to-do lists to help me keep track of what’s on my plate. I thought it might be interesting to share these lists here, and to report back each month on what I was able to accomplish.

My December list focused on finalizing details for my end-of-year virtual retreats, checking items off my list during my business planning retreat, wrapping up some programs as the year closed, and resting. As with other months this year, December passed quickly! This is what I was able to accomplish in the last month:

  • Finished prepping materials for my Deeply Rooted Virtual Retreat. I finished all the details for this event and facilitated it twice! This was such a fun way to share my new skills with teaching yoga, and to help others enter into the New Year with purpose and intention. I’m already looking forward to offering this again!
  • Wrapped up the coach training sessions for the 201 and 302 courses and launched the 401 course. I still have some grading to do for the final assessments that came in for the two courses that closed out in December, but I always look forward to seeing what the coach training participants are learning. Launching the 401 course has also been super fun so far.
  • Finished facilitating the 7 Weeks to Radical Self-Trust group coaching program. This program also wrapped up in December and it was such a wonderful way to close out the year.
  • Started recording season 6 of Coach to Coach. Done! I’ve got about half the season done and I was also able to start editing it to get ready for the February release date.
  • Complete a December business retreat. Done! This was such a great experience and I was able to check a lot of items off my to-do list. Look for a podcast episode soon with a full debrief.
  • Rest. In between creative projects, I was able to build in some reading time, moving watching, and afternoon naps. A perfect blend of work and rest!

And now it’s time to plan for a new month of to-do items! I’m ready to welcome January and start the year strong. This next month is already looking packed and I’m excited to dive in!

Here are some of the items on my January to-do list:

  • All the launches! I start a new coach training cohort, a new Slow Hustle business mastermind cohort, and a new coach training class for the current cohorts in January. It’s going to be a full month of launching and I can’t wait!
  • Complete a new DASM credential. I’m going to a training to become a Disciplined Agile Scrum Master in January and I’ll follow that up with an exam to show the knowledge I’ve gained. I’m looking forward to learning more project management skills as they apply to teams.
  • Progress on some yoga goals. Now that I’m deep into my 300-hour training, I’m working toward completing some assignments for that, including a 40-day practice. I also have a new Yin yoga training that I’m working my way through and I’ve started building a yoga pose sequencing database in Notion that I hope to keep adding to in January.
  • Pay Q4 business taxes and prep 2020 tax information for my accountant. It’s that time of year! I need to get all my bookkeeping organized and send along all kinds of documents to my accountant to get our personal and business taxes organized for 2020. A lot of this prep work will happen in January.
  • Declutter my closet and dressers. I set a goal for this year to start weeding out the clothes in my closet and I think that I can find time to do that in January. I’m looking forward to keeping just the items that I really like and that fit me well as we head into the New Year.

It looks like I’ve got a pretty full plate this month! What are you looking forward to in the month of January?



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